It’s very hard sometimes to keep your identity at the workplace because of a lot of diversification in the organizations. We started getting into something that isn’t part of our professional entity but considering a lot of pressure for results, deliverables, survival, etc. stir us somewhere we don’t belong. We lose our own self which is our identity as human and professional that differentiates us from others. I’ve seen people referring to an old saying “do at Rome as the Romans do” but I respectfully disagree with this notion when it comes to the workplace Allah has created us all with uniqueness; so respect and own this distinction and work with your own ethics and skills. Focus on exploring yourself what you can do rather than look around how others are doing; We will have no need to copy someone’s style of management it might work for them but surely not for us because we are not them. Believe in yourself and trust in your abilities and skills and give the best which is purely yours.
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